About the Rio Grande Valley (RGV!)

The Rio Grande Valley is a special place for millions of people… that’s right our border region is home to 1.5 million people and generations before us!

This area was once Mexico, today South Texas (but always SUPER HOT)

Rio Grande is for the river that runs between two countries. This area does an amazing job of celebrating culture from both sides of the border. The food is amazing, the people are warm, language is fluid.

And did we mention over 1 million people call the four-counties of Starr, Hidalgo, Willacy and Cameron home.

From Falcon Lake to Boca Chica Beach. Roma to Brownsville. The RGV is a unique region that other Texans seem to forget (until it’s time to have a taco ranking…we won’t let you forget us.)


The Valley is also home to so many young families, brave small business owners and kids, teens and adults who love to be active.

Football, futbol and basketball are king. Softball, volleyball and track are a part of the culture as well.

But don’t forget about skating, roller derby, inline hockey. There’s wheels here too! Whether its a skate park, a rink or just a roll at the park. RGV Roller is here to support you and the health and wellness of everyone in the Valley.

With the temperatures reaching 100 degrees on many afternoons try to keep your skates early or late. If you’re in the Valley and skate, roll or ride don’t wait! Connect with us today!